Sunday, March 22, 2015

Sorter Condé Interns Win Court Occurrence; WWD Dismisses Them As Irresponsible Shopaholics

Full disclosure: I previously worked at Condé Nast for a number of years and adored my interns. In fact , at W, I just started a "Meet An Intern" blog series so our viewer could get to know these bright babies things whose script went way beyond, you guessed it, getting coffee. But , that's not a universal-fit experience. If you're familiar with the editorial nor publishing worlds, you've probably heard of our own contentious, drawn-out saga of Interns vs . Condé Nast — and in the end of the internship program that resulted from it. Like we first reported in 2013, a class action lawsuit was brought out of the publishing house by former T and New Yorker interns, which usually alleged that they were paid less than $1 an hour for their work. Two years afterward, a well-deserved $5. 9 million dollar settlement is finally seeing the light of day. As WWD reported yesterday, interns who previously worked at Condé between 2007 and simply 2014 have until June 16, 2015 to submit papers if they want to collect some of the settlement (ranging from $700 to $1, 900), a story that should make anyone feel a splash of joy over the triumph using the underdog. I once had an intern which usually cobbled together $400 for a airplane ticket from Detroit to spend the summer in the cousin's couch in New Jersey and simply commute the hour to Artistic Central every weekday, just very he could gain "invaluable Condé experience. lunch break He had nuts and Diet Cokes for lunch. But , there's a single one part of the story that didn't make me that happy: its dismissive tone. Near the end on the news piece, Alexandra Steigrad alerts, "But the former interns shouldn't push out and charge a pair of Louboutins or Manolos before they get their hands-on the money, " highlighting the "pro-rata basis" on the settlement (i. e. payment is based on how many people submit their forms). Here i will discuss the thing. Or, three things. 1 ) The snide remark had room in a story about labor violations. second . Not all students hoping to work very own way into magazine publishing would be irresponsible shopaholics. 3. Are Loubs and simply Manolos even the gold standard using luxury anymore?! Steigrad may have been attempting levity in a sober situation, but most importantly, it's careless and unfair to assume that these interns — oh those silly interns! — would go and blow their pay out money on a pair of heels. It is usually cheap to poke fun at interns' not easy, often unglamorous work and inexperience with an eye-roll — the Devil Wears Prada iPhone 5S case procedure, if you will. And, unlike the video, it feels old.

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